Saturday, October 21, 2006


life has been smooth lately.
everything went just fine. well, not almost everything.
but who cares? i'm much much happier than the former days, right now!

today's important issue is that
haha. what does that mean?

well, yesterday my father came home.
and he gave me a really cute-covered magazine named : MENTAL_FLOSS
the name's kinda weird though. but he said that it is a terrific magazine!
it's hilarious! superbombastic! outstandingly innovative! and stuffs like that.

so i decided to read the dental floss. i mean; mental floss.

1 hour later.
WOW! it IS superfantastic hello hello kitty doggy! (naonsih)
it contains lots of lots of important news. which i've never heard before!
(well. despite of me being such a dork. cause i rarely read the news. hehe)

hey ladies & gentlemen!
now i know that iraq is actually 2 countries. and also that iraq was created by winston churchill that british old man! and i also know that most of the iraqis love orange soda. (not that important, i guess. hee*)

another one. now i know about
the shinto's celebration : shichigosan; literally translates to "seven five three".
this isn't a celebration of football plays or ATM codes. rather, the numbers reference the ages of the festival's guests honor-children age 7, 5, and 3. well, according to Japanese numerology, odd numbers are considered lucky, which is why these particular numbers are celebrated! really interesting, huh? wish it was celebrated here. haha. i'll turn back time, me as rara 7 years old. an i will never grow up!

but pityly .. i also read that the big moslem's celebration IDUL ADHA is listed as one of the 10 religious holidays NOT YET exploited by hallmark. it means that hallmark is not good enough to search news about religous celebration! hha. piss hallmark:)

enough about the mental floss.
but i really suggest you guys to buy this magazine!
you could really feel smart again! haha.
( in case you feel ALREADY smart. but for those who feel that way. go to the zoo! xp)

and i think i'm going to subscribe as soon as possible. hee*


i want to meet raul gonzalez. yayks! so sexy. so damn HOT!
i want to take brilliant landscape pictures!
i want to play with the angry buffaloes (naondeui).
and i want to go tu BUNOL to have LA TOMATINA! the TOMATO FIGHT!!

yeah. i want to travel all over the world! *with ridzki januar haha*
and that's why i still want to be a big ambassador.
well. i could be a famous photographer? and go around the world!

haha. anyways. those are my dreams.
and i won't stop dreaming!
cause maybe .. my dreams will lead me to my future!


happy holiday, friends!


At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

teteh. majalahnya beli dimana?
pengen jadi pinter...
subscribenya juga dimana? hihihi...

At 7:07 AM, Blogger G A D I S G U R U N said...

my father gave me.
kayanya beli di setiabudi.
ayo subscribe!
ke canada.
klw ndak sala.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huwa. di setiabudi?
padahal kemaren malem aku kesana... tapi baru dibukanya pagi2 gini...huyk2...

met lebaran teh. mohon maaf lahir dan batin. teteh mudik?


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